2024-25 Faith Formation
Registration is closed
If you would like your child to receive a sacrament (First Holy Communion or Confirmation), please plan to register them for classes NEXT YEAR. If you would like to enroll your child in Faith Formation classes (and your child DOES NOT need to receive a sacrament this year), please contact the main office: 765-463-5733.
In order to register for Family Faith Formation you must be a registered parishioner at Church of the Blessed Sacrament. Family Faith Formation meets approximately three Sundays each month from September through April. There is a formation session for parents at the same time as the children's session (for children K-12) on the first Sunday of the month. Registration fees are as follows: $75 per child in a non-sacrament year and $100 per child in a sacrament year. There is a maximum fee of $200 per family.
Children 8 years old and in second grade who have been baptized, prepare to receive First Communion. Older children who have been baptized, but not received their First Communion, are placed in a class with children their age and receive regular Faith Formation. Additional work to prepare for the sacrament is given to complete at home and return at a given date. All children preparing for the sacrament participate in a Reconciliation Retreat and a First Communion Retreat. Please look at the calendar for the date of these events.
Teens in 9th grade (AND are at least 14 years old on the date of Confirmation) who have been baptized and have received their First Communion will prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Teens over 18 who wish to receive the sacrament should register for OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults). Confirmation formation includes service, reflection with his/her sponsor, a retreat, and more. See all expectations at the link below.
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Remember that all families must attend the Faith Formation Kick-Off on September 8 at 9:30AM in Hardebeck Hall.
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