Interested in making a one-time contribution? Please click on the yellow "Donate" button below.
After entering your information and donation total, you will have an opportunity to designate how your contribution will be used, for example: "Outreach" or "Mission." To do this, simply click on the blue plus sign (+) marked "Allocate my donation to:",as seen below.
A box will open, allowing you to enter your text.
Thank you for your Generosity.
Signing up for Faith Direct is an easy way to thank God each week for all of our blessings! Many parishioners have embraced online giving and it has been a blessing to our parish! Vacations, weather conditions, sickness, etc. can take a toll on finances as attendance varies, but online giving can help eliminate this fluctuation.
Benefits to Online Giving:
• Most cost effective way to give, reducing bank service charges and envelope fees
• Set up your own contributions and change anytime
• No need to write checks or use envelopes
• If you prefer, credit or debit cards can be used
• Allows more of your donation to go to the parish (No fees when using ACH)
If you have questions, contact Ruth Stahly at the parish office.
You may also text “ENROLL” to 765-433-2010 and follow the link to sign up for recurring giving.
Thank you for your continued support to your parish family!