• You get the big promotion, but it doesn’t make you happy for more than a day or two. • You buy the fancy car, but the thrill is over by the time you pull into the garage. • Your team wins the Super Bowl… and you all you have to show for it was an expensive jersey with someone else’s name on it. “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.” —St. Augustine • The things we expect to fulfill us don’t… • Why is life this way? Why are we here? Not just here in these bodies on this planet and in this year. But why do we exist? Why are we filled with longing?
Our friends at the Augustine Institute have created an award-winning video-based series that’s turning heads as it explores fundamental questions and mysteries like these. It’s called The Search, and the national reception to it has been so enthusiastic that we are bringing it here, to our parish, for all our spiritual benefit and growth.
The Search is a multi-part video based spiritual experience from the producers of the FORMED online platform many of us use for faith formation at our parish. The production is beautiful. None of this rec room or fake library feeling to it. The well-known Catholic evangelist Chris Stefanick hosts The Search. But The Search is not meant just to be watched . . . and it’s certainly not meant to watched alone. That’s why we are beginning to form small groups – both in-person and virtual – to watch, discuss, and truly benefit and grow from experiencing The Search.
• If your faith is already solid, The Search will help you to deepen it. If you’re feeling unsure, it’s for you too. If you’re worried about your kids or grandkids, it’s a great series for you to share with them -- by bringing them along.
• The Search features scientists, artists, philosophers, and other people from all walks of life proclaiming how their searches for meaning in life led them to Jesus and the Gospel .
• There’s nothing quite like it in the Catholic world. The Search proclaims the Gospel in words that modern ears are ready to hear and images that modern eyes can’t help but see and remember. Stay tuned for more information about how to join a small group to experience all the power and potential of The Search.